Message from the Parish Executive
Слава Ісусу Христу! Glory to Jesus Christ!
Welcome to the web site of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral in Winnipeg, the national cathedral of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. We are an active parish striving to bring the message of Christ’s Gospel to all.
We serve Divine Liturgy every Sunday morning starting at 10:00 a.m. (central time) and on major feast days (10:00 am). We also serve Vespers at 5:30 p.m. before major feast days. Services are bilingual Ukrainian-English with an all-English liturgy on the third Sunday of every month. A full list of services is below.
All our services are open for in-person attendance and we are open for public events in our Cathedral, including weddings, baptisms, and funerals. These services may be livestreamed upon request and arrangement with the parish priest.
Prayers for needs, health and the deceased may be sent via the prayer request link in this Webpage. They may also be made at church using the Commemoration Form in the entrance of the Cathedral. They may be passed on to the church elders who will pass them on to the parish priest.
Masking is not mandatory, but recommended, especially if you not feeling well.
Should you not be able to attend the Sunday Divine Liturgy it is livestreamed on our parish Facebook site and YouTube channel.
We look forward to praying with you!
Sunday Services will not be lived streamed for the months of July and August
In September, Sunday Services will resume being live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 01 – Ecclesiastical New Year - DIVINE LITURGY and Moleben– 9:30AM / Неділя, 03 вересня - Церковний новий рік -Божественна літургія і молебень - 9:30 ран.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 – VESPERS WITH LITIYA – 5:00PM / Субота, 7 вересня - Вечірня з літією - 5:00 вечора
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 – NATIVITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD: DIVINE LITURGY – 9:30AM / Неділя, 8 вересня - Різдво Богородиці: Божественна Літургія - 9:30 ран.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 – Obidnytsya at Holy Family Personal Care Home – 10:00am
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13– VESPERS WITH LITIYA – 5:30PM / Вечірня з літією - 5:30 вечора
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 – EXALTATION OF THE PRECIOUS AND LIFE-GIVING CROSS – 9:30AM / Субота, 14 вересня - Воздвиження Чесного і Животворящого Хреста Господнього - 9:30
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 –DIVINE LITURGY – 10:00AM / Неділя, 15 вересня - Божественна Літургія - 10:00 ран. (Parish BBQ-Picnic in the Church yard)
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 – DIVINE LITURGY – 10:00AM / Неділя, 22 вересня - Божественна Літургія - 10:00 ран.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 – DIVINE LITURGY – 10:00AM / Неділя, 29 вересня - Божественна Літургія - 10:00 ран.
Paschal Encyclical from His All Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew
Пасхальна енцикліка від Його Всесвятості Патріарха Варфоломія
Paschal Epistle of the Episcopate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada
Пасхальне послання Єпископату Української Православної Церкви Канади
Divine Liturgies will commence at 10am. Holy Confession will be from 9:15 to 9:55am before the Liturgy. If you require more time for Confession, please arrange a time with Fr. Gene.
Meetings/Events: All meetings and events at Holy Trinity Cathedral, unless otherwise noted.
Church Executive Meeting: 4th Thursday of the Month: April 25, 7:00pm
Narcotics Anonymous (NA): Monday: 7pm; Friday: 1pm
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): Monday: 10:30am/ 6:30pm; Thursday: 5:30pm; Friday: 6:30pm; Sunday: 6:30pm; Birthday Night last Saturday of the month: Potluck: 5:30pm and Speaker: 7:00pm
Order of St. Andrew:
FOODHANDLERS Course: April 13, 2024
HARVEST FOOD DELIVERY / ХАРЧІВ: Квітень—April 28; Травень—May 19
ROZMAI: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Evenings. See website for more information:
Maintaining your church membership has never been easier! Our current Membership Donation (dues) (2024) is $220 per adult member, or $440 per family (father, mother and children under 18 are part of the family membership). All baptized/chrismated Orthodox Christians 18 years of age and over may apply for membership to Holy Trinity Cathedral. Members can vote at meetings, hold positions of leadership, and join various church committees. You can pay your membership through etransfer to (no security question/answer required). Please indicate in the etransfer that your payment is for membership.
For those who would like to become members, please fill out our application form and send it to Father Gene Maximiuk at or Membership Chair Shelley Kowalchuk at